Monday, January 20, 2025
Stacy, Craig, Scott & All the Extended Families of Barbie Holava,
Sometimes there are no words but to send Support, Love. Hugs, Prayers & Healing Energies, as you all continue on your grief journeys. Your journeys, your time. The one crazy memory I hold dear since I met Mom Holava was, the crazy take over & decorating in the way back of Tullys on Erie Blvd. for the Annual: "Barbs Mardis Gras Party." Totally complete with hats, glasses, masks, noise makers, coins, beads, food, and the infamous Cake, where you hope if you got the baby, you didn't swallow it! Always a fun party with lots of laffs. Thanx Barb, ❤️.
Rest Peacefully now without pain & fly high continually watching over all.
With much Respect,
Donna. Boo & Paws