(315) 422-7966

Obituary of Mary Yates
Mary Beth (Temple) Yates 75, of Onondaga Hill passed away on September 16, 2024, with
family members by her side.
She was born in Syracuse, NY. She was the daughter of Donald and Laura Temple.
She is survived by her longtime companion Vernon Schmitz, sons, Erich Senn, and Karl
(Katherine) Senn, grandchildren Teresa and Jarett Senn, sister Vanessa Hinton, brothers Jeff
and Larry Hinton and Vern’s daughter Amy (Josh) Scutt, son Vern (Terry) Schmitz,
granddaughters Alexa (Connor) Hild, Erica Scutt and her cats Bert & Ernie. She was
predeceased by her parents, her brothers Jim Temple and Greg, Dan and Chris Hinton.
There will be no calling hours. A celebration of Mary’s life is being planned, please email Karl at
sennk99@gmail.com for additional information.
Memorial donations in lieu of flowers may be made to the CNYSPCA